Happiness Comes in a Circular Motion...
May You Find Some Christmas Happiness Here and then Pass It Along!

Our Daddy Claus Tradition

Our Daddy Claus Tradition began in the early 1980's, when I sewed a Santa Suit for Kevin.  He's naturally tall and slim, so I created a double "apron" and filled it with batting to give him soft poochy belly and backside padding underneath the suit. It's all held together with the wide black belt.  Here's the 2010 photos of Santa & Elves visiting families in the Battle Ground Ward. Just remember - we're real people, not professionals or photographers. We do have such Fun!


Timeless Toy Menagerie

Disney's Mickey & Minnie & our TY Double Trouble Monkeys showed up in our Christmas Stockings in years past.  We display them on Grandmother Kathryn Rogalsky's refinished wardrobe along with Kevin's childhood treasures... his vintage plastic bricks (pre-Lego building blocks), a gallon of marbles, and his prized softball & glove.  The toys remind us that though we're grownups now, we're still  children at heart. Plus - there's something for the grandchildren to enjoy!

The Christmas Mouse

This little brown mouse first showed up in Kevin's stocking in 1996. Sometimes he goes into hiding for weeks on end, then he'll suddenly show up in surprising places... a pants pocket... a pillow case, the candy bowl, or perched on our headboard. 

EEK - it's a Mouse!!!